upcoming events & news

“Christmas is love in action.
Every time we love, every time we give, it's Christmas.”
Dale Evans

I’m glad to inform you that I will take part in the group exhibition
La solitudine dell'Origine del mondo. Autoscatti di artiste
Opening: 4th October 2024 | 18:00
Curated by Giorgio Bonomi
Exhibition: from October 4th to November 24th 2024
Location: Centro per l'Arte Contemporanea Trebisonda
Via Bramante 26, 06122 Perugia (Italy)
Press release:


Great News!
My entry for the LensCulture Black & White Photography Awards has been selected by the editors to be featured in the online Competition Gallery.
Stefania Zorzi | Oltre
Dress by fashion designer Tihana Mikša

Giorgio Bonomi
Il corpo solitario. L'autoscatto nella fotografia contemporanea Vol. III
Rubbettino Editore | 2021
Capitolo 4 Il corpo messo a nudo, anche
You can find my work on pages 112
Confidenze a Parigi. Stefania Zorzi e altre nove artiste raccontano se stesse con l’autoscatto
Written by Maurizio Bernardelli Curuz
Sensuale, possente e mitico. Lo stendardo di Stefania Zorzi e Norbert Mayerhofer sventola sull’Austria
Written by Maurizio Bernardelli Curuz

The Stories Behind The Stories
Edge of Humanity Magazine
Many thanks Joelcy Kay of Edge of Humanity Magazine for the attention to my Mädchenspiele project
For more info: https://edgeofhumanity.com/2020/12/22/the-stories-behind-the-stories/