Der violette Traum

Stefania Zorzi | Der violette Traum |Die Kunst der einen Farbe | grenzART 2022
This artwork was created on the occasion of the collective exhibition of the grenzART association/gallery group (Hollabrunn, Austria). Each artist received a color.
I got the purple color by accident. For me, violet is difficult and interesting because it is a color that has been appearing again and again in my life for several months, even in a dream. That's why I thought of a work that I call "The Violet Dream." My artwork is an installation consisting of a video, a pillow and some “embroidered” photographs. The story of my dream is embroidered on the pillowcase.
The video starts with falling asleep, then it shows the part of the dream I had and then it tells another dream of interpretations and associations with the color purple.
The opening music is from Brahms “Guten Abend, gut’ Nacht”, then the sound changes. There is the sound of the Earth's Platonic annual frequency (red/purple color) and the gongs for the crown chakra. The photos become fragments of dreams and thoughts connected to the project. Embroidery creates additional meanings that interact with the image. Images as if they were born in a hypnagogic state.

The video installation "Gedankensplitter" was created during the grenzART gallery symposium in the cellar streets, Kellergasse Raschala (Hollabrunn – Austria) in 2022.
The installation relates "thought" and "memory". The video combines thought fragments that have become memories and gives the opportunity to create a new thought.
I filled the bottles with water from the well in Cellar Alley Raschala. I asked some questions to the artists who attended the symposium. The water captures the memory of this moment. The water bottles have become a place where memories are held as molecular information.
Pensiero (thought) is a term derived from the Latin “pensum” (participle of the verb “pendere”: “to weigh”). "Pensum" indicated a certain amount of wool that was actually "weighed". Then the wool was given to the spinners, who had the task of processing it. The "pensum" was thus the raw material: it metaphorically denoted an original element or an original theme that had to be treated, worked out and thus brought into a new form.
Ricordo (memory) comes from the Latin "re-cordor": "re" - backwards and "cor" - heart. It means to recall to the heart (remember). In ancient times the heart was thought to be the seat of memory.
The installation includes the embroidery of the image of the brain and heart, places of thought and memory. Moreover, I turned the wool thread into raw wool. The duration of this work corresponds to the duration of the answers that the artists gave me. All the raw wool is on the scales: what is the weight of thoughts?
Thanks to all the participants:
Julia Bugram, Dora Creminati, Sonia Gansterer, Marcello Gobbi, Christine Maringer, Norbert Maringer, Gerald Nigl, Robert Petschinka, Jadranka Protic, Hanna Scheibenpflug, Franz Seitl, Gudrun Seitl, Stano Mikovcak, Janos Szurcsik, Andy Wallenta.
© Stefania Zorzi